Aug 7, 2012
Posted by admin in Jessica Alba News | 25 Comments
Hyori Jessica Alba Making of Isa Knox CF

Hyori Jessica Alba Making of Isa Knox CF
Video Rating: four / five
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Posted by admin in Jessica Alba News | 25 Comments
Hyori Jessica Alba Making of Isa Knox CF
Video Rating: four / five
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they communicate by speaking in english right? or with a translater?
Jessica alba is so so pretty!
wew .
Hyori is way, way hotter… Jessica is very overrated.
Oh that’s funny, because I think Alba is 30 times hotter.
0:04 for a second I thought this dude said ‘Sexy star Yuri and Jessica’ from SNSD ! Ahahah ! XD Don’t know why I’m laughing so hard !
lovely nice girls.both of them.
i love their smile, seriously, both of them.
haha the scene in the beginning where they keep turning to each other and smile… I don’t think I could do that without cracking up ahahaha
She could stand as Miss korea and kick hun nee lee’s ass LOL
hm, I’m Korean and what I said is very much true.
korean girl hating
i like hyori’s natural smile
jehsshika albuh?
but hyori looks so much younger without make up… well most people do anyway xD
Jessica Alba is so much more prettier than Lee Hyori.
Hyori looks really old.
Hyori + Alba? Arguably the hottest women of the Asian world and Western World? Best commercial ever!@$!@%$@
She is Singer. REAL Queen of K-POP ! Korea’s Sexy ICON ! Trend leader~
wow Hyori speaks english?? she and Jessica were speaking to each other…that’s great
wait wtf why are people comparing jessica and hyori? they’re just in a commercial together, not like they’re competing for anything. two beautiful women can’t star in the same commercial without people fighting over who’s prettier?
Hyori is pretty damn hot for a Korean girl. As for Jessica Alba goes, she is almost in her own league, spool hot.
jessica alba is natural<3
love to see both of them smiling. especially hyori at 5:31, really bright smile