Jul 25, 2012

Posted by in Baby | 9 Comments

lil baby doing sign language (9 months old)

lil baby doing sign language (9 months old)

my then 9 month old performing sign language….lol he’s more busy attempting to get the cam from me. he learned to sign employing the my child can talk DVDs. he’s 14 months old now and i have lost count of the signs he understands and utilizes
Video Rating: four / five

  1. Mrsfatblackchick says:

    I own a tobias there great bass guitars

  2. gymnastics4lifeful says:

    aww he so cute and very smart

  3. 41bubblez says:

    i cant understand him

  4. Sarthanan says:

    I can tell that you’re going to be a great mother in the future! 🙂

  5. reeseleebaby says:

    thank you so much!!

  6. summerfae says:

    thats so awesome that you did this with him. you are preping his brain for school!!!! what an awesome mommy 🙂


    cute kid

  8. meganloves2shop says:

    aww cute. i dont even know how to do sign language

  9. racandapcproductions says:


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